Grand Lodge of Australia



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Soldiers of Freedom

Soldiers of Freedom

In 2018 OTO Australia formed the OTO AUGL Soldiers of Freedom Fund, a charitable arm of Grand Lodge designed to serve returned members of the armed forces in Australia. Freedom does not come free. It always has a cost, on the warrior, families and communities....

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OTO and Dark Mofo

OTO and Dark Mofo

Dark Mofo held in Tasmania each Winter has fast become the most exciting and well attended arts, music and culture festival in the Southern Hemisphere. OTO Australia has a long running relationship with the festival culminating in an OTO heavy presence in 2018’s...

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The Best of OZ

The Best of OZ

After 13 years and 50 Issues, OTO Grand Lodge of Australia is making its member-only OZ magazine available to the public in this best of compilation. Inspiring and provocative, OZ chronicles the birth and early development of the Australian Grand Lodge experiment in...

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Joining the Order

Joining the Order

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. For those interested in joining the OTO, we hope this “how to” helps clear the way for you. Your first question might be “why should I join?” That is always deeply personal and not for anyone else to answer. What we can...

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