Grand Lodge of Australia


In 2018 OTO Australia formed the OTO AUGL Soldiers of Freedom Fund, a charitable arm of Grand Lodge designed to serve returned members of the armed forces in Australia.

Freedom does not come free. It always has a cost, on the warrior, families and communities.

Donations to the AUGL Soldiers of Freedom Fund will be donated officially from the Australian Grand Lodge to RSL Defence Care and go towards assisting current Veterans and Families with loss, homelessness, mental health and other issues they have suffered in their fight for freedom.

Due to COVID 19, 2020 saw the most unusual ANZAC Day in over one hundred years. The pandemic and social distancing regulations meant that Australian civilians and veterans were prevented from gathering at War Memorials around the country to commemorate and remember our fallen warriors.

The significance of these commemorations should not be lost on members of the OTO. We pride ourselves in being warriors in the cause of freedom and the men and women we remember at these war memorials have paid the ultimate sacrifice in securing and maintaining freedom for people around the globe.

As it is written in Liber II,

“Liberty is absolute to do thy will “

Donations to the AUGL Soldiers of Freedom Fund can be paid into the

Ordo Templi Orientis Inc. Veterans Fund
BSB 062-919
ACCT: 1045 6026

For more information on Soldiers of Freedom contact Frater NMOHS at

Lest we forget.