by Grand Secretary General (GSG) | Dec 13, 2020 | Information
The OTO Living in the Sunlight meditation Grand Master Shiva X° In parts I – III on Liber Resh I made occasional reference to a meditation practice called “Living in the Sunlight.” Up until we revived this practice in Australia in 2018, few people had ever heard...
by Grand Secretary General (GSG) | Nov 29, 2020 | Information
Liber Resh for everyone! Grand Master Shiva X° In the third part of this series I’ll turn to Liber Resh meditation. This is the third part of Resh, after invocation and adoration. In Book Four Part One, Crowley defines meditation as “the way of attainment of genius or...
by Grand Secretary General (GSG) | Nov 13, 2020 | Information
Liber Resh for everyone! Grand Master Shiva X° In Part One I pointed out that there were a few variations to the performance of Liber Resh. For example, Crowley annotated his own manuscript and published copies of it with alternative Egyptian solar deities, and he...
by Grand Secretary General (GSG) | Oct 30, 2020 | Information, Uncategorized
Liber Resh for everyone! Part I Grand Master Shiva X° The solar adorations of Thelema, known as Liber Resh, are a rite from the initiatic Order A∴A∴, who OTO Grand Lodge works closely with. In Liber Resh, a ritual composed by Aleister Crowley, at 4 times during the...
by Chief Experience Officer (CXO) | Oct 12, 2020 | Information, Uncategorized
The following blog belongs to Soror Egeria. It is a personal set of recollections and history of the early modern OTO. In New Zealand, Australia and the USA. It’s public launch is on Crowleymas 2020 e.v. “Choose ye an Island” Oceania Lodge OTO – Ordo...
by Chief Experience Officer (CXO) | Aug 4, 2020 | Information
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. For those interested in joining the OTO, we hope this “how to” helps clear the way for you. Your first question might be “why should I join?” That is always deeply personal and not for anyone else to answer. What we can...